Thursday, October 7, 2010

And so it begins.

¡Buenas! (as in buenas tardes or good afternoon)

Life here never stops (except on Sunday's and between 2 and 5 every day, but nevertheless...). I started my University classes last Thursday, so this has been my first full week of school. I've switched from Archeology of Rome to International Migration. I had gone to class that fist day and not understood a single word of what the professor was saying except something about needing prior knowledge of Roman culture. When I approached her after class, explaining that I was an international student and was slightly confused she didn't slow down her talking at all! Pretty terrible first day experience. International migration is slightly better. The prof is still super hard to understand, but there is another girl from my program and a German ERASMUS (the European international students) who are struggling along with me. The proffesor does a lot of dication of definitions and it's funny (but slightly not at all) because when I read over what I wrote down later, there's tons of made up words and things that just don't make sense at all.

The teaching english class has been good so far, easy (although I feel like I'm cheating slightly) but a great place to meet Spanish students who want to improve their english. Also it will be super usefull if I ever want to teach abroad. A lot of the stuff we're talking about in class so far is activities and introduction type stuff that we did all the time at camp!

Whoever told me we don't ever have homework was exaggerating slightly. Or maybe I'm taking the wrong classes, because I definetly have homework. Papers and presentations in 4/5 of my classes. Long papers. Like, 8-10 pages (in Spanish...). On top of that, we've started our ICRPs (Inter-cultural research project). I am going to be working at an elementary school a few days a week helping out in the english classrooms. I haven't started yet, but I think it will be pretty fun. Spanish kids are SO cute (not to mention better at spanish than me).

Don't worry though (Mom and Dad), even though I'm busy I'm still having a great time. This weekend, we're taking an excursion with our program to Guadelupe and Trujillo. I missed the informational session on it today because I had a meeting for my ICRP, so I'm not sure what we'll be doing or seeing, but I'm excited to see more of Spain.

Hasta Luego

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