Monday, November 22, 2010

I really can't bear to put all this in one post

The other weekend (so yes, it was almost 3 weeks ago at this point- shhh), we went on a 22km (about 14 mile) hike with a hiking club. Elizabeth's piano teacher had told her about it so we decided to sign up. We left at 7:30 in the morning with a huge group (about 60 people, some wearing tennis shoes, some with intense hiking gear) and drove to an area called the Valle Ambroz. It was absolutely gorgeous and we met some pretty cool people and saw a 700 year old chestnut tree. I couldn't move for about two days after, but it was definitely worth it. Can't explain how pretty it was so I'll just post some pictures. Click on any of them to make them bigger. In summary: cow up close; Elizabeth, Maggie and me on a bridge; really old tree; there's fall here (!); "wild" Spanish horses; beautiful; donkey up close; blah blah blah, pretty pictures; chestnuts are REALLY ugly; jamón in the wild; more pretty landscape. Enjoy!

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