Friday, September 17, 2010

¡Estoy aquí! Now when will it start to feel real?

We made it safely to Spain! Our flight from Philadelphia was late because we sat on the runway for over 2 hours waiting for other planes to take off. Of course I got no sleep so now I'm exhausted but it's ok because after la comida (lunch) is siesta. Yessss this is my kind of country.

We got through customs and met with our resident director to take a bus to Cáceres. Turns out it's a 4 hour bus ride (who told me it was 2??) but we stopped half way for noms and they gave us our orientation packets (FINALLY). They also gave us cell phones which was really nice but minutes are sooo expensive here so I don't think any of us will be using them much and definitely not to call home. The first thing I thought when I looked out the window on the plane was that everything was brown. This is true, but there's also a ton of really awesome trees and here in town there's actually some big parks and lots of palm trees.

When the bus pulled up all the padres (parents) were waiting on the sidewalk and called out our names as we got off the bus. They had already known who we were but they were unknown to us. Probably one of the most terrifying moments of my trip thus far. Mi madre Carmen greeted me immediately and introduced me to Paco (who I'm assuming is her husband although that was never officially stated). We then got my bags and Carmen held on to my arm as we crossed the insanely busy street. Cars don't stop for pedestrians here like they do in Ann Arbor. We made it to the car at which point my only reaction was "¡Estoy vivo!" (I'm alive!). When then drove to their apartment and took the littlest elevator ever up to the third floor. You had to push open the door of the elevator by hand...

I also have a sister named Carmen who I'm guessing is in her late 20s and a puppy named Sultan. My room is super cute (and purple) and I have my own bathroom. It's really hot in my room right now and I have no fan, but I suppose I'll get used to it. Apparently there was a huge storm last night here with hail and a tornado(?). I'm not always positive what they're saying to me although they say I speak Spanish well. Good sign, as I get the impression they do not speak english at all.

We all ate together in the cute little kitchen and everything was so good. We had some kind of soup with eggs and noodles in it, peppers stuffed with "carne" (meat), chicken, salad, fresh cheese, melon, and of course, bread. I'm stuffed. I also don't know how to say I'm full yet so I should probably look that up.

Anyway, I'll update more later. Now I'm going to nap and then my madre is going to show me around town.

¡Hasta luego!


  1. WHooaaOOaa glad you made it safely and they have internets! Your mom and sister have the same name?

  2. P.S. I had to do a word verification in order to post this comment, to make sure robots aren't writing comments, and the word I got was "blectox". Yea!

  3. Good thing I didn't get a weird word the second time I commented! This could have gone on foREVERRRR
