Sunday, September 19, 2010

First Impressions

It's hard to believe I've only been here two and a half days. It already feels like forever. Yesterday we had a quick tour of the city with our resident director and then all went home for la comida. After my siesta (I am whold-heartedly embracing the spanish lifestyle) I called up my vecino (neighbor) Lara and we walked around town for a bit. I was wearing some cute flats that I've worn before but never very far, resulting in gaping holes in my toes and bleeding heels. Ouch. I need to go buy some bandaids pronto.

Spaniards eat "cena" (dinner) at around 10, although my family doesn't really eat together, just when they're hungry. My padre cooked me some sachichas, which turned out to be hotdogs. After, I met up with some friends in el centro (downtown basically) and we went in search of bars. After much wandering, we eventually found one that was playing music and was full of young people.

As we were leaving the bar, we somehow got talking with a group of university students who knew one of last year's international students at K. We were a big hit with them, probably becuase we're foreign and therefore a novelty. They told us to come with them to a club and shouted out to all their friends "¡Estado Unidos!" (United States!). After walking all the way across town to the club, the line was way too long. At this point we though we'd just go home since it was 3 in the morning, but our new spanish friends convinced us to come to a different club. We came to a plaza filled with bars and clubs, but decided at that point to go to bed. Apparently the club they had been thinking of didn't actually open until 5 IN THE MORNING. Yes, that's right. This club opens after the others close. Then they serve breakfast around 9. (And thus the logic behind the siesta).

Today we had the day off so me and Lara wandered around and found a really pretty park. It was super hot, and we were really tempted to go swimming in the pond, but we figured that would be highly frowned upon so we restrained ourselves. We then walked to a greenspace that runs along the main road into town and met up with two other K girls. Everyone sits on benches here (mostly old people, but others too) and we ended up sitting for almost four hours talking.

To make this incredibly long post even longer, here's some pictures:

Just kidding, they're taking way to long to upload and I have to get up early tomorrow to go tour the University. I swear I'll post them soon.

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